Venue : Sanur Paradise Hotel, Sanur – Bali, Indonesia
Date : 31 January 2015 – 01 February 2015.
Theme : Political Sciences, Sociology, Education Pedagogy
As the world becomes increasingly integrated the political, social, and cultural boundaries are being re-configured and new challenges emerge. Political power is shifting beyond the traditional state models and governance is taking on new forms. Social conflict arises across different regions of the world.
Amidst all of these, political scientists, political experts, academics, sociologist should actively engaged in an in-depth discourse by providing an active voice which helps shape the opinions of the public, institutions and the policy-makers.
The conference has so far been an important event and has attracted many scientists, engineers and researchers from academia, government laboratories, and industry internationally.
All of Submitted Full Paper SOCIO-CULTURAL 2015 will be peer reviewed by at least three reviewers.